DAB Challenge - May

The current time is May 14, 2024, 13:27 UTC. Replication lag is 1 second.

These are the disambiguation pages with links, as of the beginning of May (excluding any pages that have been deleted or moved since then, or are no longer disambiguation pages). You can earn points in the Monthly DAB Challenge by fixing links to the disambigs listed below.

This page normally is updated hourly; the last update completed 35 minutes ago. When the list is updated, any dablink that has been fixed will be removed from this list. If an article has been edited since the most recent update, its title will be struck through. That doesn't necessarily mean the dablink has been fixed; if it hasn't the strikethrough will be removed with the next update.

Only links that count for challenge points are in the dropdown lists. Dablinks created since the beginning of May will not be shown. If you collapse a list and open it again, it will be updated.

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Showing below up to 50 results starting with #1.

View (previous 50) (next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

  1. Pratigya (14 links) +
  2. Yaduvanshi (13 links) +
  3. Chahamanas (11 links) +
  4. Intrasexual competition (7 links) +
  5. Preference revelation (7 links) +
  6. Appeal bond (6 links) +
  7. Battle of Deep Bottom (6 links) +
  8. Borova (6 links) +
  9. Devotion (6 links) +
  10. Jiaotong University (6 links) +
  11. Query complexity (6 links) +
  12. Romani people in Iran (6 links) +
  13. Sergeyevka (6 links) +
  14. Strong AI (6 links) +
  15. Vector algebra (6 links) +
  16. Cultural engineering (5 links) +
  17. Information processing (5 links) +
  18. Mahkota (5 links) +
  19. Methone (5 links) +
  20. Parabolic subgroup (5 links) +
  21. Punjabi Brahmins (5 links) +
  22. Reminisce (5 links) +
  23. Shashi (5 links) +
  24. Sorbonne (5 links) +
  25. William Carson (disambiguation) (5 links) +
  26. Autochthon (4 links) +
  27. Azúcar (4 links) +
  28. BSA A65 (4 links) +
  29. Diagonal argument (4 links) +
  30. Dingshan (4 links) +
  31. District council (4 links) +
  32. Fishing industry in the United Kingdom (4 links) +
  33. Grand Prix (4 links) +
  34. Intermediate (4 links) +
  35. Jewish national movements (4 links) +
  36. Khorasan (4 links) +
  37. Koli language (4 links) +
  38. Nakhchivan (4 links) +
  39. Nancy González (4 links) +
  40. Newtown, Pennsylvania (4 links) +
  41. Privatization in Poland (4 links) +
  42. Qasr (4 links) +
  43. Segura (4 links) +
  44. Sierra mountains (4 links) +
  45. Southern Railway (4 links) +
  46. Ujazd (4 links) +
  47. Vindicta (4 links) +
  48. 1945 tornado outbreak (3 links) +
  49. Abbasi (3 links) +
  50. Agent (3 links) +

View (previous 50) (next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

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